9日はDOLAN’S Sessionでした♪
*Out on the Ocean/Morrison's/Kesh
*The Britches Full of Stitches/The Hayden Fancy/Bill Sullivan's
*Silver Spear/Miss McLeod's/Pachelbel's Frolics
*Down by the Salleygarden
*Maggie in the Wood/Ballyhoura Mountain/Last Chance
*Danny Boy
*Aye Right
*Brosna Slide/O'Keefe's/The Dingle Regatta
*A Kerry polka(Egan's)/John Ryan’s
*Sally Gally/Timmy Clliford
*Ele is Dear/Glass of Beer/frank's
*?/Donnybrock Fair/Tiripping up Stairs
*夜の剣/Cup of Tea/The Mortgage Buren/Castle Kelly/Farewell to Erin
*April Waltz
*Sally Gardens/Cooley's/Pachelbel's Frolics
*The Butterfly/Kid on the Mountain
*St.Ann's/The Glasgow(Tam Lin)/Jenny Dang The Weaver
*Rolling Wave/Lisnagun/Mouse in the Kitchen
*Where is the Cat?/Ceangulla/Cat in the Corner
*Repeal the Pall Tax/Wes and Maggie's Ceili Croft/The Landlord's Walk
*Joe Cooley's Morning Dew/Cooley's/Wise Maid(DOLAN'S set)
*Dingle Regatta
は我が家的DOLAN'S Food set①アイリッシュシチュー②チキンときのこのグリルサラダ③いぶりがっこカマンベール④フィッシュ&チップス⑤スモークサーモンのクリームパスタ相変わらずどれも美味しかったー!!今提供中の鶏の中華風パスタも絶品なので、来月も楽しみです
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