13日はArgon Sessionでした♪
13日は塩竃市にあるArgon BrewingさんでSessionを開催させて頂きましたあいりっしゅのみんなが来てくれて、総勢12名に東京から来てくれた方や、Barm's常連だったYさんも顔を出して下さって、本当に有難かったです
*Out on the Ocean/The Whelan's/The Morison
*Maggie in the Wood/Last Chance/The Ballyhoura Mountains
*Ballydesmond Polka/Finnish Polka/Siege of Ennis/Tulla Polka
*Boys of Tandragee/Tuesday Morning/Checkered Blanket
*George White Favorite/Jolly Tinker
*Ash Plant/Sallygardens/Pachelbel's Frolics
*Earl's Chair/frank's/Road to Errogie
*Drummond Castle/Lisnagun/Cliffs of Moher
*Toss the Feather/Siobham O'Donnel's /Glass of Beer/Greig’s Pipes/Moving Cloud/Laffaty's/The Banshee/MacArthur Road
*She is Sweetest When She is Naked
*Mouse in the Kitchen/Scatter the Mud/Calliope House
*Tom Sulivan's/Ballydesmond No.2/Ballydesmond No.3
*Ookpik Waltz
*Repeal the Pall Tax/Wes and Maggie's Ceili Croft/The Landlord's Walk
*Sí Beag Sí Mór
*Rolling Wave No.2/Paddy Return/Rolling Wave No.1
*Give Me Your Hand
*Blarney Pirgrim/John Ryan's/Kerry Polka
*The Glasgow/Farewell to Erin/Fox Hunter
*Brosna Slide/O'Keefe's/The Dingle Regatta
*夜の剣/The Mortgage Buren/Pachelbel's Frolics
毎度ながらご快諾下さり、ありがとうございました次回TRAD Sessionは27日、弘前DOLAN'Sさんで開催しますこちらも是非
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