昨日はDOLAN’S Sessionでした♪
昨日は南からkoimoさんが遊びに来てくれて、5人でのDOLAN'S Sessionでした
*Out on the Ocean/Morrison's/Kesh
*The Britches Full of Stitches/The Hayden Fancy/Bill Sullivan's
*Joe Cooley's Morning Dew/Cooley's/Wise Maid
*Down by the Salleygarden
*Seamus Danagher's/Eileen O’Riordan’s (Liz Kelly's)/Yo Skippely Dai Dee Doe
*Spootiskerry/Silver Spear/Fox Hunter
*Banish Misfortune/Blarney Pilgrim/John Ryan's/A Kerry Polka
*Maggie in the Wood/Last Chance/The Ballyhoura Mountains
*Drowsy Maggie/Man of the House/Toss the Feather's/Farewell to Erin/The Musical Priest/Pachelbel's Frolics(等々続いた8分のset。。。)
*Mouse in the Kitchen/Scatter the Mud/Calliope House
*Brosna Slide/O'Keefe's/The Dingle Regatta
*The Butterfly/Kid on the Mountain
*Finnish Polka/Siege of Ennis/Tulla Polka
*1st pint//Leslie's March/Lisnagun
*Danny Boy
*The Orphan/Cliff of Moher/The Butlers of Glen Avenue/Dan Collins Favorite
*Down by the Salley Garden/Connaghtman's rambles/Humours of Tulla
*Dingle Regatta
宴会部長のkoimoさん居合わせたお客さまも巻き込んで、Dingle Regattaで大盛り上がりしました
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